Electronic Images Now Acceptable for IFTA/MCRT Licenses
Beginning January 1, 2019, paper cab cards for the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and Motor Carrier Road Tax (MCRT) will no longer be required. Instead, all jurisdictions in the United States and Canada will be required to accept electronic images of IFTA/MCRT licenses. For the first year, the department advises licensees to continue to carry paper credentials. This will provide time for all involved to work out the details of this new program.
As a reminder, when stopped by law enforcement, credentials may be shown as an electronic image on a computer, tablet or smart phone. If an individual voluntarily chooses to prove credentials by presenting the traffic officer, or other government employee, with an electronic device, the officer or official may need to temporarily take possession of the device to verify the validity of the credential. The individual also waives all claims for any damage caused to the electronic device, or believed to be caused, by the traffic officer, or other government employee.
The electronic image must be accurate, accessible and readable. The department suggests the image be stored on an electronic device in each vehicle to ensure access to documentation while in areas of no service or Wi-Fi. If you are unable to provide proof of credentials, you may be cited and required to present proof of registration in a court of law.