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Revenue’s New Online Services Portal Adds New Features: myPATH Update

October 15, 2019 11:30 AM
By: Revenue Communications Department

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The Department of Revenue today announced thatmyPATH (my Pennsylvania Tax Hub) is now a resource available for county offices with Realty Transfer Tax and Inheritance Tax obligations. Additionally,myPATH is now available for Medical Marijuana growers/processors who are responsible for remitting Medical Marijuana Tax.

These tax types were installed into the Pennsylvania Tax Hub (PATH), the new tax system the department launched earlier this year.myPATH is the user-friendly, online self-service portal that taxpayers can access over the internet.  

"This is another important step that we're taking in the department's modernization project to improve the online services that are available for our customers," Revenue Secretary Dan Hassell said. "We are very pleased with the results of the project so far, and we expect those who use the new system will find it to be a helpful resource that will make their jobs easier."   

Below is an overview of the new options available inmyPATH:

myPATH for Realty Transfer Tax

Recorders of Deeds now have the online capabilities of registering their accounts with the department, changing banking information, changing realty transfer rates and fees, and filing monthly Realty Transfer Tax reports.

Taxpayers with Realty Transfer Tax payment obligations will be able to settle their outstanding balances via ACH debit payments onmyPATH.

myPATH for Inheritance Tax

Registers of Wills now have the online capabilities of registering their accounts with the department, searching decedent listings, submitting Notices of Decedent Account Status (REV-1549), submitting Notices of Transfer (REV-516), and searching prior submissions.

Taxpayers with Inheritance Tax payment obligations for decedents who were not Pennsylvania residents will be able to settle their outstanding balances via ACH debit payments. Taxpayers with obligations for Pennsylvania resident decedents will still remit payment to their respective county.

Financial Institutions will now usemyPATH to search county decedent listings. The department's prior Financial Institutions e-services page has been retired.

myPATH for Medical Marijuana Tax

Medical Marijuana Tax growers/processors now have the online capabilities of making payments, filing returns, managing payments and returns, requesting statements of account, and viewing correspondence received from the department.

New System for Voluntary Disclosure Program

This phase of the department's modernization project also provided a new case management system for the department's Voluntary Disclosure Program. This program provides an opportunity for businesses and individuals who have recently become aware of their Pennsylvania tax obligations to voluntarily come forward. In return for coming forward voluntarily, filing their tax returns, and clearing their tax debts, taxpayers are only responsible for the payment of tax and interest. 

PATH Going Forward

myPATH was also made available earlier this year for taxpayers with obligations to the department's Bureau of Motor and Alternative Fuels Taxes. The taxes that bureau is responsible for were installed in PATH as part of a successful first rollout of the department's modernization project. The second rollout encompassed the taxes noted above.

The department is now focusing on a third rollout that will move Personal Income Tax, the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program, and Pass-through Entity processing into PATH. As part of this effort, Pennsylvania taxpayers will have a new electronic-filing option available throughmyPATH to file their Personal Income Tax returns. Applicants of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program will also have a new electronic-filing option throughmyPATH, which is expected to greatly help applicants and the department in the processing of applications and rebates. 

"We are very much looking forward to providing these new tools for our individual taxpayers and the claimants who benefit from the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program," said Secretary Hassell, noting that these new online options are scheduled to launch in November 2020. "Another important thing to keep in mind is that our modernization project has been on time and on budget so far, and we are working hard to ensure that remains the case."

To date, the department has collected more than $2.4 billion in revenue throughmyPATH. You can find more information aboutmyPATH on the department's blog, PA Tax Talk.  

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