Pay By Credit/Debit Card
myPATH makes it easy, convenient, and secure for you to make payments. You have the option to pay most balances by providing your bank account and routing information, or by credit/debit card. Credit/debit card payments are processed by ACI Payments, Inc. and are subject to convenience fees. Many payment options are available directly on the
myPATH homepage and do not require a username/password, including:
Bill payments
Estimated, extension, and return payments (individuals, fiduciaries, and partnerships)
Pay off a lien
Bank attachment payments
Wage garnishment payments
What credit/debit cards can I use to pay my taxes?
You can use your American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit card to pay your PA Taxes. You may also use a MasterCard or Visa debit card to make payments.
What taxes can I pay by credit/debit card?
You can pay the following PA Business Taxes:
Sales and Use Tax
- Employer Withholding Tax
- Malt Beverage Tax
- Unstampable Little Cigar Tax
- Public Transportation Assistance Fund Taxes and Fees
- Realty Transfer Tax
- Vehicle Rental Tax Tax
- Other Tobacco Products Tax
- Corporation Tax return payments for the current period*
- Corporation Tax delinquent payments*
- Corporation Tax extension payments*
- Corporation Tax estimated payments*
- Notice Payments
- Transactional or Business Use Tax
- Alternative Fuel Tax
- Motor Fuel Tax
- Motor and Alternative Fuel Tax Notice Payments
*The following Corporation tax types are included
- Bank Shares, Title Insurance
- Bank Loans Tax
- Capital Stock/Franchise Tax
- Corporate Net Income
- Insurance Premiums Tax
- Loans Tax
- Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax
- Public Utilities Realty Tax
- Gross Receipts Tax - Intra-state telecommunications
- Gross Receipts Tax - Inter-state telecommunications
- Gross Receipts Tax - Mobile telecommunications
- Gross Receipts Tax - all other
- Marine Insurance
How can I make a credit/debit card payment?
You can also pay some business tax types by phone using the credit card service provider listed below:
***ACI Payments, Inc. charges and convenience fee per credit card and debit card transaction.***
Calculate the fee on a specific amount
- The convenience fee and tax payment will appear as two different charges on your credit card statement.
- Your payment will be effective on the date you charged it. When your payment is approved, you will be given a confirmation number. Retain this confirmation number as proof of payment. Authorized payments cannot be cancelled.
- If you want to confirm your transaction, or if you have any questions, please call:
ACI Payments, Inc.
Customer Service: 1-800-487-4567