SUT-18-004 -- Application of Local Sales and Use Tax to Services Performed Outside of a Taxable County
SUT-18-002 -- Hotel Occupancy Tax
SUT-18-001 -- Marketplace Sales
SUT-17-002 -- Tangible Personal Property/Tangible Retrieval Products
SUT-17-001 -- Act 84 of 2016 - Digital Goods and Support Services to Canned Computer Software
SUT-16-003 -- Volkswagen Class Action Settlement Agreement
SUT-16-001 -- Disaster Recovery Monthly Customer Membership Fee
SUT-13-002 -- Shopping Guides and Inserts
SUT-13-001 -- Purchase Price
SUT-12-002 -- Transfer of Collected Sales Tax to Electric Generators and Natural Gas Suppliers
SUT-12-001 -- Cloud Computing
SUT-99-134 -- Drop Shipment; Resale
SUT-10-004 -- Applicability of Local Hotel Occupancy Tax to State Employees
SUT-10-003 -- Applicability of the Mining Exemption to Fracturing Services
SUT-10-002 -- Construction Contracts
SUT-10-001 -- Electricity Manufacturing
SUT-09-001 -- Airline Public Utility Exemption
SUT-08-011 -- Property Used in Manufacturing of Electricity (reissued for SUT-03-032)
SUT-08-010 -- Cleaning Services on Houses Under Construction
SUT-08-008 -- Manufacturing Inkjet Cartridges
SUT-05-028 -- Pre-employment Screening
SUT-05-003 -- Property Used in Manufacture of Electricity
SUT-04-017 -- Motor Vehicles Transferred Pursuant to Merger
SUT-04-015 -- Dedication of Water Mains and Sanitary Sewer Lines to Municipal Authorities
SUT-04-004 -- Sale, Installation or Servicing of Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
SUT-04-003 -- Photocopiers Used in Printing
SUT-03-062 -- Lease Charges for Advertising Space
SUT-03-052 -- Inclusion of Gross Receipts Tax and PUC Fee in Purchase Price
SUT-03-050 -- Manufacturing of Property Not Owned by Manufacturer
SUT-03-043 -- Tangible Personal Property; Construction Contractors
SUT-03-038 -- Vendor Taking Credit for Erroneously Paid Sales Tax
SUT-03-035 -- Governmental Entity Contracting with Suppliers for Property Used by Construction Contractor
SUT-03-033 -- Transfer of Automobiles to Sole Shareholder
SUT-03-032 -- Property Used in Manufacturing of Electricity
SUT-03-030 -- Disaster Recovery Service Fee
SUT-03-026 -- Personal Computers Used by Common Carrier Drivers
SUT-03-025 -- Property Purchased by Construction Contractor for Municipal Authority Pumphouse
SUT-03-017 -- Various Types of Leases
SUT-03-006 -- Inclusion in Taxable Lease Payment of Charges