Account Number | The 8-digit Withholding ID or the 11-digit Account Number for the Withholding Tax Account containing no dashes or spaces. | Yes |
Period End Date | The end date for the period you wish to submit the return or payment for. The following are valid formats for the date 1/31/00 1-31-00 Jan 1, 2000 | Yes |
Period Withholding 1 | Amount Withheld for first period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Monthly, Semi-Monthly and Semi-Weekly Filers. | Yes |
Period Withholding 2 | Amount Withheld for second period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Monthly, Semi-Monthly and Semi-Weekly Filers. | Yes |
Period Withholding 3 | Amount Withheld for third period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Monthly, Semi-Monthly and Semi-Weekly Filers. | Yes |
Period Withholding 4 | Amount Withheld for fourth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Monthly and Semi-Weekly Filers. | Yes |
Period Withholding 5 | Amount Withheld for fifth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Monthly and Semi-Weekly Filers. | Yes |
Period Withholding 6 | Amount Withheld for sixth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Monthly and Semi-Weekly Filers. | Yes |
Period Withholding 7 | Amount Withheld for seventh period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 8 | Amount Withheld for eighth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 9 | Amount Withheld for ninth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 10 | Amount Withheld for tenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 11 | Amount Withheld for eleventh period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 12 | Amount Withheld for twelfth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 13 | Amount Withheld for thirteenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 14 | Amount Withheld for fourteenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 15 | Amount Withheld for fifteenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 16 | Amount Withheld for sixteenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 17 | Amount Withheld for seventeenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 18 | Amount Withheld for eighteenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 19 | Amount Withheld for nineteenth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 20 | Amount Withheld for twentieth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 21 | Amount Withheld for twenty-first period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 22 | Amount Withheld for twenty-second period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 23 | Amount Withheld for twenty-third period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 24 | Amount Withheld for twenty-fourth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 25 | Amount Withheld for twenty-fifth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 26 | Amount Withheld for twenty-sixth period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Period Withholding 27 | Amount Withheld for twenty-seventh period end date within the quarter. This field to be used for Semi-Weekly Filers. | |
Compensation | Total Compensation subject to PA Tax. | Yes |
Withholding Tax | Total of all period withholdings reported (periods 1-27 for Quarterly, Monthly, Semi-Monthly and Semi-Weekly) | Yes |
Deposits | Total of all Payments remitted for period end date of return being filed, including verified overpayments. | Yes |
Payment | Amount due when deposits are less than Withholding Tax for the quarter. May be equal to, but not less than zero. | Yes |
Entity ID | Entity ID for business being filed. Usually an EIN or SSN. | Yes |
Type of Entity ID | This indicates the type of number used for the Entity ID. Click here to view Code List. | Yes